World Development Foundation

World Development Foundation was born as a legal entity in 2003 with a clear mission: to use technology to transform the lives of poor people across the globe.” Prof. Dr. H. O. Srivastava, President and CEO says

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Blog post from Prof. H. O. Srivastava

Prof. Dr. Sir H. O. Srivastava, IBS, K. St. J
M.Sc. M.Phil, Ph. D. (Info Sys.), Ph. D. (Chemistry), D. Lit. (Management)

World Development Foundation WDF
Founded in 2003 and based in New Delhi, WDF provides turnkey solutions for radio and TV broadcasting, education, and innovative media solutions. Their mission is to empower the poor by providing education and training for earning livelihoods through the use of radio, TV, Internet, and new media.
“This foundation was born as a legal entity in 2003 with a clear mission: to use technology to transform the lives of poor people across the globe.” Prof. Dr. H. O. Srivastava, President and CEO says.
At WDF, we believe that broadcasting and communication are the most convenient and cost-effective means of sharing knowledge, removing poverty, and empowering the underprivileged. Our projects span across India, Asia, and Africa, focusing on community radio stations, educational broadcasting, and more. One of WDF’s notable projects includes the commissioning of community radio stations in Ethiopia, providing vital information and education to remote communities. WDF’s expertise extends to media center solutions, including electronic media production centers, video conferencing systems, and consultancy services. Their goal is to leverage technology to create a better, more informed world.
WDF is also providing assistance and advise for Community radio and 700 Commercial radio stations in India for which auctions are starting soon.