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Media and Technology
Learning objectives
After completing the course, you will learn the basics of :
1. Journey of Voice from Microphone to Radio Receiver
2. Understanding the Power 0f “Digital” to empower
3. Compression-
- The Heart of Digital Revolution
4. Emerging trends in Broadcasting – Digital Broadcasting Internet Radio, Satellite Broadcasting.
5. Satellite Communication- Responsible for making “Global Village”
6. Artificial Intelligence and Expert System
Expert Panel and speakers
1. His Excellency Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Secretary General, African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) (Invited)-Chairperson
2. Dr. S. M. Ovis, Representative, AARDO
3. Prof. H. O. Srivastava, Chancellor, WDF University
4. Prof. R. K. Singh, former Engineer-in-Chief, Doordarshan
5. Dr. K. G. Suresh, Dean UPES, Dehradun & Former DG, IIMC
6. Prof. Birendra Kumar, RAU, Central University, Pusa
7. Dr. Ambrish Saxena, Dean, DME, Noida
8. Prof. Anil K.Rai Ankit. Professor at Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha.
In the second half of the twentieth century and early of the twenty-first, along with the advancement of media technology, we have witnessed the dramatic transformation of delivery of content and journalism. There can be no denying that the technological revolution has exerted far reaching influences on news journalism and its production. Mass media, may be the delivery of audio, video, text and multimedia has a profound affect on the people. Journalism has always been shaped by technology. The relationship between technology and journalism is not simply a cause and effect relationship, in fact, they changed and determined each other.
In this six part interactive lecture series by Prof. R. K. Singh, former, Engineer-in-Chief of Doordarshan will share with you his broadcast management experience of about 40 years. The course is meant for students, teachers and practitioners of media and journalism.
Proposal for conducting Webinar/On-Line lecture cum workshop on
“Media Technology” for
Faculty of media and Journalism colleges
Faculty of Media and Journalism colleges is excellent and their teaching performance is very good. Now the technology has also become an integral part of the syllabus of the media and journalism subjects. It has been observed that at times faculty may find it little difficult to explain the technical topics like Radio, TV, Satellite, digital technology, ICT, 3G, 4G, 5G, Internet, Web Radio, AI and many more such topics.
In recent times these technologies have grown very fast. Not in detail but very basic concepts of these technology is necessary for media faculty to understand. This will help them to teach the subject confidently.
It is proposed to conduct Webinar workshop/ lectures on various above mentioned technical topics to empower our faculty with the power of basic concepts of these technical jargons. It may be clearly mentioned that media faculty need not have any technical background. The topics should be taught in a non-technical manner. The modules of these technical topics have been specially designed so that media faculty understands the subject without any difficulty. The objective of the teaching is to explain the basic concept of the subject.
On-line Video Conferencing Lessons
Course Director
Prof. R. K. Singh
Former Engineer-in-Chief, Doordarshan
Webinar information at 11.00. hrs on 24/07/2020
Evolution of Mass Media ! Évolution des médias de masse ! تطور وسائل الإعلام
Source: Aprajita Srivastava, WDF University
A Brief History of Radio !रेडियो का संक्षिप्त इतिहास !
Une brève histoire de la radio ! تاريخ موجز للإذاعة
Source: Needham Channel
1. Journey of Voice from Microphone to Radio Receiver
(A simple way of understanding Radio Broadcasting.)
Synopsis: The voice or any other audible sound generated in the studio is very weak and cannot travel of its own to a long distance. It is amplified (processed) to make it strong enough to undertake the journey. Next, a carrier such as MW, SW, FM,, Internet etc. selected to take the voice to a long distance. On reaching the destination a radio receiver is used to off load the voice from carrier processed inside the radio receiver before it is fed to your ear. With the help of suitable analogy this chapter explains the characteristics and processing of audio sound, different carriers and the journey of voice
Duration: One or two lectures of 2hours duration each
2. Understanding the Power 0f “Digital” to empower people”.
Synopsis: This presentation is based on the feedbacks received from the people (mostly students) on a very simple question circulated by the author. The question is
“What does Digital really means to you?
Based on the answers received from many people one thing was very clear that our young generation is not clear in their mind about the basic concept of “Digital”. However it is difficult to find a person who does not talk about “Digital” these days. But in the absence of basic understanding of the concept of “Digital” how someone can contribute to ‘Knowledge Society’ to empower citizens to use the facilities available through digital infrastructure.
The main challenge before the author was to explain the concept of “Digital” without using any technical terminology like ‘binary’ etc. so that anyone could understand the power of “Digital”.
In order to explain the concept in the simplest way the author decided to answer the question” What does Digital really means to you” as “Digital is a wonderful magic of two characters”. The magic of these two characters is so powerful that any data, documents, information in physical or analog form may be represented in digital format. This digitized information may be exchanged through digital networks; and thus making all the services accessible to citizens in digitized format and through digital networks, when previously accessible in physical and analog forms.
The first challenge was; how to represent or define above two magical characters without taking the help of binary numbers as it is presumed that many people will not be aware of this and still they want to understand the concept of “Digital”.
To keep things simple it is decided to represent these two characters by something which has two clear statuses. For example a bulb or a two way switch. Both have two clear states ie either ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. One character is given ‘ON’ status and second character is given ‘OFF’ status.
Duration: One or two lectures of 2 hours duration each
Satellite Communication Systems
Source:NPTEL, Prof.Kalayn Kumar Bandopaddhyay, IIT Khadagpur
3. Satellite Communication- Responsible for making “Global Village”
Audio and Video Compression
Source: Kunal Jaiswal and Divyam Saraf
4.Compression- The Heart of Digital Revolution
Synopsis: Everybody is familiar with the word Compression” in different ways. Compression process has different meaning in chemical, mechanical, civil and metallurgical engineering etc. But the moment we think about compression in electronic engineering one word which strikes our mind is “Digital”. These days it is practically a cliché to claim that all electronic communication is engaged in a Digital Revolution.
Digital audio and video signals integrated with computers, telecommunication networks, and consumer products have fueled the digital revolution. At the heart of this revolution is the digital compression of audio and video signal. But this digital revolution is probably not possible without the support of compression. The compression for digital revolution is like the heart for human body. As proper functioning of heart is essential for human body to survive, similarly proper compression is necessary to make digital revolution a complete success
In my presentation “Compression” has been explained in following steps:
1. Why Compression is necessary to make Digital Revolution a big success.
2. With the help of Demo audience is made to experience the ‘Video Compression’.
3. Similarly with another Demo audience is made to experience and feel the ‘Audio Compression’
4. Concept of Video Compression has been explained with the help of ‘Orange Juice Analogy ’
5. Understanding Redundancy in Video Signal with the help of concept map.
5. Understanding Spatial and Temporal coding process.
6. Understanding DCT process in compression.
7. Understanding IBP pictures.
8. Compression Hazards and Tips for Quality.
It may be concluded without any doubt that compression technology has played a major role in making digital revolution a reality. The dramatic advances in signal processing and VLSI technologies have brought about significant progress in the development of compression technology. Compression has now reached the stage where it can economically be applied to video and audio systems on a wide scale. Although compression is traditionally described mathematically but in this presentation complete overview of the compression process has been explained in the simplest possible manner. Compression is a wonderful tool but it has many hazards associated with it. Precautions are essential to avoid disappointment.
Duration: Three to Four Lectures of 2 hours duration each
5. Emerging trends in Broadcasting – Digital Broadcasting, Internet Radio, Satellite Broadcasting
Over the period of time the Broadcasting has changed considerably mainly because of the explosion of technology. Digital Revolution has forced to migrate from Analog domain to Digital domain. Broadcasting has three main process namely Content development, Content distribution and Content Transmission. Out of these three first two have already migrated to Digital technology from traditional Analog process. The third process namely Content Transmission is presently in transit phase. In addition the “FM Broadcasting” is already there as most preferred Broadcasting among people. Lately “Internet/Web Radio” is becoming popular day by day. Last but not the least “Satellite Broadcasting” is also emerging as popular mode of broadcasting.
This presentation after explaining traditional mode of broadcasting such as MW, SW deals with above mentioned Emerging trends in Broadcasting in detail.
Duration: Two to Three Lectures of 2 hours duration each
6. Artificial Intelligence and Expert System
Synopsis: This lecture is based on the experience gained during the development of Knowledge Based Computer System i.e. Expert System for Various broadcast transmitters in AIR network. The lecture deals with the design philosophy, the methodology, relevant concept and thought processes involved in the development of an expert system. The Expert System is based on intelligent computer program (Artificial Intelligence) capable of performing at the level of transmitter experts for solving faults which require significant human expertise. All the elements of the “decision making process” of transmitter expert have been incorporated in the “Knowledge Base”. Relevant circuit diagrams, figures etc. have been incorporated to make this ES user friendly. Its Knowledge Base can be modified, updated and deleted without affecting the structure of the entire program. Thus the refinement of the KB is a continuous process. This important characteristic of ES is equivalent to the vital characteristic of the transmitter expert. Field trial runs of the ES have been carried out in clearing the faults of the transmitter, which have been found most encouraging.
Digital Transmission System
Expert System by Prof. T.V. Prabhakar,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur
Media & Technology Quizzes
In this course, you have learnt the basics of :
1. Journey of Voice from Microphone to Radio Receiver
2. Understanding the Power 0f “Digital” to empower
3. Compression- The Heart of Digital Revolution
4. Emerging trends in Broadcasting – Digital Broadcasting, Internet Radio, Satellite Broadcasting.
5. Satellite Communication- Responsible for making “Global Village”
6. Artificial Intelligence and Expert System
Now you have to take the quizzes to earn a certificate.
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